Parents, after a long time waiting, we will be starting our 2021 house league season on Monday, July 5th. As pleased as we are with this, the continuing presence of the Covid 19 virus is making it extremely important that we follow protocols to protect everyone whether vaccinated or not.

Please look at the following requirements along with the attached self- screening poster and check out Baseball Ontario’s Return to Sport protocol at

The following guidelines must be followed by everyone:

  1. All parents and players are to wear masks when coming into and leaving the park and while watching participants who are active on the field. Players are welcome to wear masks while on the field.
  2. Players should be accompanied by no more than 1 parent. Dugouts will not be used. Players, when not active on the field, shall sit in the bleachers while parents are welcome to watch while standing, sitting on the grass, or by bringing folding chairs from home.
  3. Before leaving for the park parents and players should read the Covid Patron Self- Screening poster [Download here] and if any of the questions are answered with a yes no one from your family should come to the park. Please stay home and contact your child’s coach to explain why you are absent.
  4. While sitting in the bleachers awaiting their turn to play, players should do their best to sit at least 2 metres apart and should wear masks.
  5. Coaches will take attendance at each game or practice. The form will allow them to indicate if a parent is with the child. Forms will be turned in at the end of your time at the diamond. This will continue for the first 3 weeks after which we will evaluate the need to continue based on directions from Public Health.
  6. Families should bring either alcohol based wipes or gel and parents are encouraged to have their child come to them to use it to apply to their hands after an inning.
  7. Families should arrive at the time scheduled for their child’s team and leave the park immediately after. The snackbar will not be open.

Parents, there is a real danger if we don’t all follow these directions that we could have an outbreak or the city permit department could shut us down. If following a game someone in your family tests positive for Covid 19 please let your child’s coach know immediately.

Let’s all do our part to make this plan work. When the province moves to Step 3 we will re-evaluate and decide where changes are needed.

We are looking forward to a wonderful summer of baseball and appreciate your attention to these matters as we navigate the Return to Play.

Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Paul Chamberlain

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