To Our NYBA Families: 

As you can imagine we are presently in a holding pattern until the province and/or city allows sport organizations to operate. Right now, our hope is that the season will start June 30th and extend to the end of September to make up for some games lost.

At the present time our registration numbers are low which was entirely expected. Hence, we will be combining Jr. and Sr. Rookie with just 4 teams. Peewee and T-ball will play on Tuesdays. Mosquito, with 6 teams will play Wednesdays.

Because we aren’t sure what limitation to numbers will be mandated by the city we cannot yet be sure if Rookie Ball will be held Mondays or Tuesdays. That will be announced as soon as we know more. We are still working out details for our Bantam series because of low registration numbers.

Another updates will be sent after May20th or whenever the province updates its present “stay at home” orders. We are still hopeful there will be a house league season.

We will be calling on parents to assist us in our risk mitigation plans: helping with sanitizing bats and even baseballs, keeping children masked and separated. We will have to ensure that children are using individual batting helmets rather than sharing them.

If you are able to assist in any way, please contact myself, Paul Chamberlain with a quick outline as to what you would be able to do, and when you are available.

Thank you for all your words of support, as we work towards having a House League season this year. We look forward to seeing your children on the ball field this year!

Paul Chamberlain
North York Baseball

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